DAF: Donor Advised Funds
Your donation will help Mzuzah respond to critical needs in underserved communities in africa as well as other emerging regions, Plus proactively prepare the next generation of leaders in those communities get the right tools to build a more Sustainable local community which in turn impacts the world
Though our reach is vast, our impact is profoundly personal. For those in need— underserved next generation leaders in emerging economies, students without adequate educational resources, orphanages in crisis, across several demographics, the country and around the world and many more—the Mzuzah serves as the bridge from despair to hope. Consider growing your investment in our mission with a contribution from your donor-advised fund (DAF).
How You Can Make a Difference
Consider donating to Mzuzah from your donor-advised fund.
DAF Direct enables you to donate to Mzuzah directly from your DAF. If your DAF sponsoring organization does not participate in DAF Direct, please have them direct your gift to the address below.
Please make checks payable to: Mzuzah Charitable Inc., EIN 94-3341391, and email mzuzah@mzuzah.com for an address in your country. In order to acknowledge your generous gift, please provide your name and/or fund name and address.
For those who wish to electronically transfer funds to Mzuzah, gifts may be sent via wire transfer. Please follow the instructions here or reach out to mzuzah@mzuzah.com if additional support is needed.
Three Reasons to Invest in the
Mzuzah Mission
The proper social, economic and environmental preparation of the Next Generation of Leaders has never been more critical as it is now. The development sub-Saharan Africa and other communities around the world is closely linked to the wellbeing of its young people with more than one third of the total population aged 10 to 24, this large number of young people represents an opportunity to accelerate economic growth and reduce poverty in a sustainable way. Young people are experiencing a time of transition, full of physical, psychological, emotional and economic changes ae they leave childhood and enter adulthood. The decisions that are made during this period of life affect not only the individual wellbeing, but also the well-being of entire societies. Ensuring that young people can successfully navigate this phase of life and be inspired to think and live sustainably will help break the cycle of poverty and produce benefits for individuals, communities, nations and the environment at large.
Powered by critical support from our donors and a dedicated workforce—more than 90% volunteers—Mzuzah has the capacity to deliver sustainable change on a massive, unparalleled scale.
Help inspire and empower our nextgen leaders to think & live more sustainably by enabling us to give them the right tools & skills.
In response to the dire need to increase the demographics of Next Gen leaders who are equipped and prepared to lead their communities in a more sustainable way, build wealth in a way that recognizes the critical needs to preserve our communities and planet. With focused outreach to vulnerable Next Gen populations, Mzuzah’s core programs on sustainability thinking has reached several thousands of young leaders in more than eight countries and impacted 25 universities across Africa, the United States and Asia.
Help collect and distribute, school supplies; medical supplies and other educational items
"We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” By Howard Zinn
Mzuzah has extended its volunteer service to orphanages and underserved communities by providing them with school supplies and school fees. In addition to this, some underserved groups were identified for medical and dental intervention programs where volunteers provide dental and basic fundamental medical interventions. In the last 3 years prior to Covid, Mzuzah was able to reach over seven orphanages in Ghana and Nigeria, as well as underserved communities in Baltimore, USA. Our goal is to expand this reach to cover orphanages across Africa, Mzuzah aims to be the go-to resource for their educational and medical wellbeing.
Help inspire & empower sustainable innovations by nextgen leaders in Africa & other Emerging Markets
Through the design of the Sustainability Projects Competition for student teams in colleges and universities in Africa. The Competition invites student teams to propose indigenous sustainable solutions to address social, economic, or environmental issues within their communities. Mzuzah assigns mentors to each student team to guide the teams in further developing their sustainable solutions.
Objectives of the Sustainability Projects Competition:
•To provide a platform that supports the next generation of leaders in undertaking Innovative sustainable development projects in communities.
•To provide mentorship to the next generation of young leaders in Africa to become champions of sustainable development efforts in local communities.
Have you already made a gift to Mzuzah from your DAF?
If you've already made your gift to Mzuzah, thank you! To ensure we're able to thank you properly, please complete the following form: