About Us
Our Vision/Mission
Vision: Inspiring a new generation of leaders to think, live and build wealth sustainably!
Our mission: To inspire, empower and provide key tools for the economic, social and environmental sustainability of next generation leaders in emerging economies. To build a collaborative bridge that cuts across geographic boundaries. We achieve this by providing the most collaborative platforms and practical tools necessary for socioeconomic and environmental sustainability and success.
Partnering with Us
Mzuzah Inc., also designs custom projects and programs to engage our partners in real world settings which align with your organizations corporate social responsibility objectives and reaches your target audience.
The Mzuzah Story
The Mzuzah launch at the Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School: See press release
Mzuzah is an international organization of public, private, and educational interests whose mission is to inspire, empower, and provide the tools critical to economic, educational, social, and environmental sustainability for emerging economies, particularly for African nations.
Among the sustainable development goals, the organization focuses on are the eradication of poverty and hunger, good health, quality education, and economic growth, gender equality, and sustainable cities and communities. These goals align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to 2030 that also align with Carey’s Innovation for Humanity (I4H) program and mirror the school’s principle of teaching business with humanity in mind.
Through year-round initiatives framed by annual conferences, thought leadership and sustainable project competitions, Mzuzah engages government, nonprofit, and private-sector leaders in these countries, along with international experts to create partnerships, networks, and collaborative pathways to address often daunting challenges. The goal is to establish, then implement, best practices for social responsibility and collaboration, along with investments in people, infrastructure, and the environment that are transformational and sustainable.
A key component of the organization’s efforts is to develop the next generation of global leaders, imbuing them with a keen sense of the implication of their actions on the well-being of their communities, environment, and the world at large.
It was this parallel philosophy reflecting Carey’s mission that led Carey Professor James Calvin, along with GMBA students Anthony Jahanbakhsh and David Vallejo, in-country as part of Carey’s I4H program, to participate in a Mzuzah conference held in Accra, Ghana. There, after meeting with Mzuzah co-founder Doyin Oluntona, the seeds of the Mzuzah Convergence held at Carey were sewn, marking the first time in the event’s history that it would be held in the United States.
“The convergence presented a valuable opportunity to engage the next generation of leaders on the managing, harnessing, and delivering of leadership that is sustainability-minded,” said Calvin. “By being able to directly access thought leaders, ideas and questions can gain immediate feedback, assisting in the further development of goals and interests for individuals and organizations alike. Mzuzah is also a bridge to future collaboration as the Carey community extends ideas and knowledge creation toward global partnerships." Since then, Mzuzah has expanded into several colleges/universities and over 2500 participants consisting of next generation leaders, multinational corporations, foundations, indigenous organizations and the civil society have participated and benefited from its program.
By educating and engaging next generation of leaders, we expect to develop individuals whose mindsets are hardwired to consider the implications of their actions on the well-being of their ecosystem, which includes their own personal economic well-being, and their community and environmental well-being. Only through the power of knowledge dissemination, effective engagement and collective dialogue can we ensure the development of Sustainable Leadership with highly skilled, right-thinking individuals leading the transformational movement on the continent.