Vision: Inspiring a new generation of leaders to think, live and build wealth sustainably!
Our mission: To inspire, empower and provide key tools for the economic, social and environmental sustainability of next generation leaders.
Mzuzah’s Flagship Program:
The Mzuzah Convergence on Sustainability is a multidimensional platform, which connects stakeholders from key sectors in the sustainability discourse. These dialogues are essential to ensure the development of Sustainable Leadership with highly skilled, right-thinking individuals leading the transformational movement in Africa and other emerging nations.
Our Mission
Mzuzah Wealth Building Platform provides access to key programs and services to support your wealth building goals. Featuring programs such as practical business coaching, sales, marketing, negotiation trainings as well as legal support to incorporate your business in several countries., Mzuzah offers a wealth building formula that will serve as a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial ventures.
Reaching out to the needy and underserved groups in the countries where we go, providing hands on support to their projects, basic provisions and helping to navigate them to be productive citizens by giving them practical tools for success.
By donating, you will allow us to provide the most collaborative platforms and practical tools necessary for socioeconomic and environmental sustainability and success.
“Firmly positioned as a leading organization in helping players in the sustainability space to interact, understand each other and establish relationships.”
“Forging connections among people and discourse on key issues are things Mzuzah has done well. Many of these connections and conversations have led to positive developments around the regions where Mzuzah has worked.”